The Institute for Social Private Law activities focus on research on the areas of private law that concern the basic conditions of social life and that affect people’s status as social beings – for example, labour law, tenancy law, and family law.
The activities are interdisciplinary insofar as more areas of law than private law are affected and that non-legal disciplines are also taken into account. The institute also attaches the utmost importance to collaboration with the surrounding society.

About our research
At present, the institute mainly researches labour law, i.e. the legal relationship between employers and employees and between the social partners.
It concerns the development of EU law and international labour law, its interplay with Swedish and Nordic labour law, and the tension between labour law and economic law.

Current research
More and more workers fall outside the protection afforded by Swedish labour law. The shortcomings become particularly clear for groups where the degree of trade unionism is low, such as for young workers and labour migrants.
In this research project, we analyze how this development is expressed in three specific fields: salaries and the minimum wage, psychosocial work environment, and working conditions for foreign workers.

Current seminars
The seminars in the series Labor Law in an EU Perspective are open to everyone. There is no cost to participate, and no registration is required. Most of the seminars are in Swedish.
Next seminar
Upcoming seminar:

The Labour Law Library
The Labor Law Library is open to researchers at the university and to students writing dissertations. To borrow books, contact the research assistant Ebba Kardvik.

The Labour Law Portal
Researchers and practitioners meet here to search directly among more than 1000 articles in the text archive or search for researchers and practitioners working on labour law. You can also publish your own texts on labour law and present yourself and your work.

Newsletter: EU&Labour Law
The EU & Labour Law newsletter covers the interplay between EU rules and EU politics on the one hand and the national labour law of the Nordic countries on the other. The newsletter is published in collaboration with twelve Nordic research institutions.